All Things Pelvic - What to Expect

All Things Pelvic is Renee Quiring's Physiotherapy practice that provides assessment and treatment for both men and women of all ages. 

What to Expect at Your First Visit


One of the first questions a pelvic health specialist must ask you is, "Why are you coming in for Physiotherapy?" The initial questions asked are often of a personal and intimate nature and require the compassionate, caring and thoughtful approach our team provides.

In order to provide you the best pelvic health care, there is the possibility of a internal exam. Please do not allow this to stop you from coming in for a Physiotherapy assessment. Internal exams are always optional and by your instruction your physiotherapist will conduct an external exam only.



All interactions between a therapist and client is bound by confidentiality. Informed consent is required for the initial assessment. Verbal and signed consent is required before any information is shared with the family doctor, specialist or other health professional. 

Direct Access

Many clients wait months to a year to see a gynaecologist, urologist or gastroenterologist before being referred to a pelvic health therapist (PHT). You can have direct access to physiotherapy for your pelvic issues. We do NOT require a referral, however many insurance companies require a doctor's referral to provide reimbursement.


Pelvic health issues may bring with them frustration, stress, feelings of anxiety and depression. We take a biopsychosocial/spiritual approach to understand you as a whole person in addressing your pelvic health. 

Medical History

A good understanding of the current problem and any other health issues is important. You will receive a questionnaire before the initial assessment to gain an understanding about your pelvic history and challenges. Our intake questionnaire may seem lengthy but each part is essential to understanding you. Your issues and goals are explored while the physiotherapist reviews the completed forms during the initial assessment. 

Orthopedic Assessment

Most pelvic health specialists have orthopedic training. We incorporate this training into sessions to benefit our clients. A good postural screen, spinal movement analysis, gait analysis, pelvic girdle and lower extremity motion and strength testing is part of the assessment. 

Breath Assessment 

Analyzing your breathing pattern and breath awareness is important because the diaphragm, core and pelvic floor work together. Breathing restrictions or holding your breath is common, which profoundly affects the function of the pelvic floor. 

Myofascial Tension

We'll examine the abdominal wall and all the muscles externally around the pelvis for excessive tension. Any dysfunction of these muscles can affect the function of the pelvic floor and vice-versa. 

External Exam

The skin and external musculature of the perineum are examined to look for skin irritation and any other issues. The perineum is examined for any prolapse, vaginally or rectally. 

Internal Exam

This is the most difficult part of the exam for most people to understand. It's not like a pap smear, ladies. There are no stirrups or speculums used. Gentlemen, it isn't like a prostate exam. You lie comfortably on your back and are discreetly covered with a sheet. We need consent to perform every internal exam and you are always in control.
Pelvic health treatment is best with an internal examination, but it can be done with external examination only. The purpose of the internal palpation is to determine if there is low or high tone of the muscles. The internal connective tissue and skin are examined to ensure health and proper movement. The internal should be comfortable and not painful. 

Strength Testing

The strength is determined by contraction of the pelvic floor during the internal exam. Coordination, endurance and fatigue-ability of the muscles will also be tested. 

Summary and Explanation

At the end of the assessment, the findings, issues and goals are summarized and explained. You will leave the appointment with specific education, exercises and strategies to help you manage your individual challenges and pelvic health.

Pelvic health issues are often of a private nature - and we understand. Your care and health is our top priority. 


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